Core Operational Funders

City of Winnipeg (Community Services)
Manitoba Arts Council (Urban Art Centres)
United Way Winnipeg
Graham C. Lount Familiy Foundation

Corporate Donors

Assiniboine Credit Union
Canada Life
CN Stronger Communities Fund
Wawanesa Insurance


Carolyn Sifton Foundation
Community Foundations of Canada
Fast Family Foundation
J and K Knowles Foundation
Richardson Foundation (Essential Needs Fund)
Siobhan Richardson Foundation
Souchay Gossen Foundation
Whitestone Foundation
W.H. & S.E. Loewen Foundation
Winnipeg Foundation
Youth in Philanthropy (Winnipeg Foundation)

Project Funders

City of Winnipeg - Community Incentives 
Grant Program
Hometown & Urban Green Team (MB)
Neighbourhoods Alive! (MB) 
Manitoba Arts Council 
Canada Council for the Arts

For sponsorship opportunities:
Contact Managing Director Josh Ruth at

Thank you to the sponsors of our 2024 Fundraising Party, SKY BALL!

Thank you to our donors!︎

Each year, thousands of individuals and businesses who believe in the transformative power of art choose to support the work that Art City does. This giving has a huge impact! Art City is committed to stewardship integrity and each dollar helps us ignite more creativity in West Broadway and increasingly beyond. To become a donor yourself, click here.